
Pet animal



In the quest for providing the best nutrition for our furry companions, questions often arise about what human foods are safe for dogs. Ginger, with its numerous health benefits for humans, has gained attention for its potential benefits for dogs as well. But can dogs eat ginger safely? In this article, we’ll explore the world of ginger and its suitability for our canine friends.

Understanding Ginger

What is Ginger?

Ginger, scientifically known as Zingiber officinale, is a flowering plant that is widely used in various cuisines around the world. It’s known for its distinctive flavor and numerous medicinal properties.

The Nutritional Value of Ginger

Before diving into whether dogs can consume ginger, it’s essential to understand its nutritional composition. Ginger is rich in:

  • Gingerol: A bioactive compound with powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.
  • Vitamins: Ginger contains essential vitamins like B6 and C.
  • Minerals: It provides minerals such as potassium, magnesium, and manganese.

Can Dogs Eat Ginger?

Now, let’s address the primary question: Is ginger safe for dogs to consume?

The Benefits of Ginger for Dogs

  1. Anti-Nausea: Ginger can help alleviate motion sickness and nausea in dogs, making it useful for car rides and travel.
  2. Anti-Inflammatory: Ginger’s anti-inflammatory properties may aid in reducing joint pain and arthritis symptoms in older dogs.
  3. Digestive Aid: It can promote healthy digestion and ease gastrointestinal discomfort in dogs.

The Risks of Feeding Ginger to Dogs

  1. Moderation is Key: While ginger can offer benefits, excessive consumption can lead to gastrointestinal upset in dogs.
  2. Allergic Reactions: Some dogs may be allergic to ginger, so it’s essential to monitor their reaction when introducing it to their diet.
  3. Interaction with Medications: If your dog is on medications, consult your vet before adding ginger to their diet, as it can interact with certain drugs.

How to Introduce Ginger to Your Dog

If you decide to include ginger in your dog’s diet, here’s how to do it safely:

  1. Start Slowly: Begin with a tiny amount to gauge your dog’s tolerance.
  2. Fresh Ginger: Fresh ginger is preferable over powdered forms, as it contains more active compounds.
  3. Consult Your Vet: Always consult your veterinarian before making significant dietary changes for your dog.


In conclusion, ginger can be a beneficial addition to your dog’s diet when used in moderation and with caution. Its potential to alleviate nausea, reduce inflammation, and aid digestion can be advantageous for dogs’ overall well-being. However, it’s vital to consult your vet before introducing ginger, especially if your dog has underlying health conditions or is on medication.


  1. Can I give ginger to my puppy?
    • While ginger can be safe for adult dogs, it’s best to consult your vet before giving it to puppies.
  2. How should I prepare ginger for my dog?
    • Fresh ginger can be grated or finely chopped and added in small quantities to your dog’s food.
  3. Are there any signs of ginger allergy in dogs?
    • Look out for symptoms like itching, hives, or digestive upset. If you notice any, discontinue use and consult your vet.
  4. Can ginger be used as a remedy for my dog’s upset stomach?
    • Ginger may help soothe an upset stomach, but it’s essential to consult your vet for proper guidance.
  5. What other herbs or spices are safe for dogs?
    • Herbs like parsley and basil, in moderation, can be safe for dogs, but it’s crucial to research each one individually and consult your vet.

Remember, when it comes to your dog’s diet, it’s always best to prioritize their health and consult a professional if you have any doubts or concerns.

Owning a cat

Being a pet owner can be an enriching experience. Cats can soothe your nervous system and offer an instant outlet for enjoyment and playing. While cats are independent creatures that like to search for and play according to their preferences, they can also be very loving to their owners and those they trust.

Most cats like to snuggle into your lap after an exhausting day as you read or watch an ebook. This simple action will trigger production of all good kinds of chemicals in your brain, which allows you to settle into your evening without feeling the burden of life upon your back. Every cat owner will be able to tell you how much their cat assists them in relaxing and unwinding. Although many people appreciate being around dogs and cats, they can be acquired, but once caught, this is a complex taste to let go of.

Cats are great pets because they make lovely pets.

The range of cats is just one of the reasons why so many people are drawn to cat-related companionship. Cats are wonderful pets, whether you reside in a vast apartment or a small one, and offer all the excitement and fun of larger animals. If you’re considering getting cats, here are a few of the most important advantages:

  • Cats require little maintenance. Cats’ most appealing feature is that they require less maintenance and are cheaper than dogs, which need walks, exercise, regular grooming, and more toys and care. Cats are also ideal for living in apartments or cities. They only require a little space to play in and discover. Snorkeling around the corners and crevices of your kitchen can keep them entertained for many hours.
  • They’re peaceful. Cats tend to cry when thirsty. However, you don’t need to worry about getting woken or distracted by a cat begging for attention. This makes them the perfect pet for those who work at home or have children sleeping during the day.
  • The cats are independent. A cat will provide support when you need them, but they’re also proficient in engaging themselves. Many don’t require, and you won’t have to endure the guilt-inducing eyes of a puppy from cats.
  • They ensure that your house is free of pests. You probably already are aware that cats love to hunt rodents. They’re also natural pest killers, providing the type of protection for households Venus flytraps claim to offer but never provide. Cats enjoy killing bugs like houseflies and spiders, much like they’re compensated for their work.
  • They have lengthy life durations. The most challenging part of owning a pet is leaving your beloved pet. While you’re likely to outlive your cat, their longer lives allow you to spend more time with them – up to 20 years.


Cats have health benefits that are beneficial to their owners.

Although any pet owner can bring many health advantages, certain advantages are specific to cats. They may:

  • Reduce stress and anxiety. Cat owners know that a few minutes of cuddling and playing with their pet can make a difficult day positive. Research has also proven that a cat’s purr can relax your nervous system and reduce your blood pressure.
  • Enhance your heart health. Cat owners have been found to have lower risks of stroke and heart disease.
  • Eliminate allergy. You always hear about cat hair as an allergen among the commonly used allergens. However, if a kid has contact with cats during the early years of existence, it is more likely to build an immunity system that fights cat allergies and other allergens.
  • Help reduce your feelings of isolation. Cats make great companion pets. They are a source of unconditional love that’s as good as (or often even more excellent than) human companions and friends.

Enjoying your cat’s company

One of the best advantages of owning cats is that it doesn’t require lots of room for you to play and enjoy with your cat. Contrary to larger animals that need ample space to play with or run about, the only thing you require to have a cat is a living space and some imagination. Beyond the ball of yarn, there are many ways to entertain and bond with your cat.

  • The game of hiding and searching. An old childhood sleepover game can be your cat’s most-loved activity. Hide a toy or a piece of object that is interesting to them in a blanket, then watch the cat hunt for it.
  • Blowing the bubbles. One of the most enjoyable aspects of owning a cat is their unending interest in routine. Blowing bubbles may seem like something you did at school; however, if your cat becomes so fascinated by the floating bubbles of mystery, it might rekindle your curiosity. Cats are amazed when they try to get their hands on and pop the bubbles. Just ensure that you make sure you use a non-toxic solution for bubbles.
  • Start an exciting search for food. Cats love the thrill of a game that stimulates their minds and keeps them full! Place food items in difficult-to-access spots inside your home and observe your cat work to find the treats. They are so agile you could even set up obstacles that they can navigate. They inspire you to become more active!
  • Utilize an application. iPhone and Android apps offer games that amuse your cat, such as fishing for bugs or fish as they appear on the screen. Check out the Get Help section for more details.

How do you take care of your cat?

While they are more unique than other animals, having one is a huge commitment. They require a committed pet owner to keep them as healthy and happy as possible. Cats need:

  • A clean litterbox. Most house cats are indoor, so you’ll need an outdoor litter box. The litter box is handy but must be cleaned regularly to prevent unpleasant smells. Pet stores sell litter formulations which make it simple to scoop up waste and eliminate the odor.
  • Regular grooming. Although a cat may not require as much grooming as a dog, keeping your home from becoming one colossal hairball involves effort. A once-a-week cleaning is typically enough. You can get easy cat grooming tools in most pet shops.
  • A scratch pole. Many cats instinctively scratch and claw at furniture, drapes, and anything else that tickles their fancy. A scratch pole or a post will give your cat more than just the necessary scratching space. However, it will also save you plenty of cash and stress.
  • A balanced eating plan. Work with your veterinarian to ensure that your cat receives a nutritious diet. Avoid feeding too much, which can cause obesity and other serious health problems. Be sure to keep their water bowls and food away from their litter box to avoid contamination.
  • A safe and secure environment. Cats are small delicate creatures who prefer to live inside. While many cats like to play outside, predatory animals and traffic, for instance, could be a danger to their safety. Always keep track of your cat’s location and ensure that you have an ID tag on your cat’s collar. The microchip allows shelters and vets to determine who you are as a pet owner in case your cat becomes lost.

Tips for managing allergies in cats

It’s possible that you’re interested in having a cat in your household, but the main issue holding you back is a snoring nose or eyes that are watery. Although cats can cause allergies, this doesn’t mean it will completely stop you from being a cat owner. The most common causes of allergies are the animal’s dander. Some breeds produce more than other breeds. If you are afflicted by allergies, it’s an excellent idea to get acquainted with various cats before buying or adopting. And if a relative or spouse already has an animal, There are plenty of ways to manage your allergies.

  • Limit certain rooms within the home. If you suffer from a cat allergy or a cat phobia, it’s best to keep your cat out of your bedroom and limit them to specific rooms within the home, such as.
  • Clean your hands. After touching or cuddling your cat, ensure to cleanse your hands using soap and water before attempting to apply pressure to your face and eyes.
  • Make use of filters for air. Air purifiers fight against cat allergies and other allergens present in the air, like dust mites. The use of one can allow you to live a healthy and enjoyable existence with the cat.
  • Make sure you are consistent when taking a bath. Giving your cat bathing time can lessen the smell of dander and keep your cat clean and tidy.
  • Utilize the antihistamines. Consult your doctor or local pharmacist to determine the best antihistamines for your cat’s allergies. Common symptoms like running noses can be addressed with oral medications, and watery, puffy eyes are usually treated with drops for the eyes.

How do you select the cat that is right for you?

Do your homework first, and then select the cat you want to adopt from a reliable breeder or shelter group. Some things to think about when you are considering adoption:

  • Cat or adult? Kittens can quickly adapt to their environment but will require housetraining and more attention than a mature cat. An older cat could be a good option if you’re on an unruly schedule and need more time to devote all your attention to the kitten. However, older cats may suffer from health issues and require regular visits to a vet.
  • Shedding is a concern. Some cats shed more than others. For instance, an American Bobtail or Cymric cat sheds more than a Siamese cat.
  • Health-related concerns. A healthy kitten or cat will have sparkling eyes and a shiny coat. Cats who appear slim or overweight or suffer from nasal discharges may suffer health issues.
  • Personality and personality and. Just like people are, cats differ in nature and characteristics. Find one that appears to be in tune with your lifestyle and personality. If you’re looking for plenty of stroking and petting, such as, for instance, you might want to search for an animal that is actively seeking the attention of its handlers instead of one that is biting or scratching. If you feel you’ve stumbled upon the perfect cat, make sure to schedule more than one time with the animal, if possible.

The pain of losing a pet

They have brought joy, love purpose, and love into your daily life. Having to say goodbye to your pet in the final moments of their lives is a very difficult and painful experience. Your home might seem uncomfortable still without their purrs and meows, as well as the windowsills and furniture empty if they aren’t basking in the sunshine.

The loss of a cat you love can be a stressful experience. There are times when you experience intense feelings such as sadness, anger, even guilt. Or, you may feel numb and alone. People who haven’t experienced the affection and love of their pet may not be able to comprehend what you’re feeling. It’s crucial not to be pressured to go on. Instead, allow grieving to take place in a natural way.


Many people have pets. This pet could be a cat or a dog. It might even be a rabbit. Whatever the pet is, it can be a wonderful part of our lives. They can make us laugh, smile and psychologically prove that they can improve mental health.
I’ve had my dog for a little over three years. I was not allowed to have a dog because of the grief that comes with their death, but after years of begging I received a Shiba IN/Tibetan Terrier puppy. She is called Sox, and is the joy of my life. She makes me laugh and smile every day, even when I am crying. I wouldn’t be able to live without her. She has not cured my anxiety, PTSD, or any other mental health issue I have but she has helped me to see that my life isn’t as bad as it seems. Despite the fact that pets can experience mental illness just like us, they don’t fully understand it. However, they make it better.

According to the Mental Health Foundation, pets can help us deal with depression, loneliness and other mental health issues such as ADHD, autism, ADHD, and stress.

Pets can be a powerful motivator. Pets have a calming effect on their owners. Pets can calm the owner’s mind and relax them by simply stroking or playing with their pet.

A pet makes a great companion. Pets give their owners a sense security, companionship and someone with whom to share daily routines. Pets are a great companion for older people who live alone.

A pet will listen to a child and offer unconditional love. It won’t criticize them for being too energetic. This can help a child to gain confidence.

A companion pet can comfort people in their later years who are experiencing the typical stresses of life. A dog is believed to be a stress-buffer that can soften the effects of adverse life events.

It is clear that pets can be a great help to those with mental issues. No matter what the problem, pets can help make it seem better.

Pets are an excellent investment, even if you do not have a mental illness and only get sad occasionally, as everyone does. Maybe I am biased because I have a dog.

They can also improve your mental health, but their physical health is another obvious benefit. Some animals, notably dogs, need a short walk. It is important that they have the chance to move around and relieve themselves so you don’t have to clean up after them if they do it inside. Dogs are not like us. Dogs can’t decide to go for a walk or use the toilet on their own. You can help them by taking them for a walk or to the toilet. This is also good exercise for your body, heart and lungs. Anyone can benefit from fresh air, especially teenagers who spend most of their time inside on consoles and smartphones.

Pets are a huge responsibility, even with all their benefits. They may take care of you but they also need a lot care. It’s a ton of work. You must be able and willing to spend a lot time with them. All of these things are not free. They require exercise, food and water, toys and a bed. Owning a pet can be expensive, so you need to make sure it’s financially feasible.

Pets are great for people who need a bit of laughter and smiles. Make sure you understand what you are getting into, as a pet will be with you for the rest of your life and not just at Christmas.

Dogs’ natural attraction is undisputed. Dog lovers love to be near dogs and want to touch, hug, and play with them. Many things we do to dogs when we see them are not only friendly for us but can also be distressing or upsetting for them. Dog owners and dog lovers are responsible for their dogs’ behavior. We expect them to behave in a variety of challenging ways every day.

Approaching a dog

Ask first

All dogs may be loved, but not all will greet you with open arms. Always ask permission to touch a dog’s dog or pet it. Always ask permission before touching a dog. There are many reasons why a dog might not say hello to someone they don’t know. Dogs might become stressed when strangers approach them. Or, their owner might be in a rush or be actively training/working with their dogs and not want to be distracted. Some dogs prefer to be petted by strangers more than others.

Once you have been allowed to greet the dog, let them approach you and not the dog. This allows the dog agency to assess if the dog will be interested in you and if it is comfortable with the interaction. If your dog is eager to approach you and wags their tail, it’s a sign that they are happy. Give them space if they move away or look away from you.

Be gentle with eye contact.

As gorgeous as dogs can be, avoiding eye contact when approaching or petting dogs is essential. Eye contact is a sign of trustworthiness among humans. However, it can be dangerous for dogs to make eye contact with strangers. If you have been allowed to socialize with a dog, it is a good idea to keep your eyes closed or at least not maintain steady eye contact. Talk gently and slowly.

Do not loom

Avoid leaning on or hovering above dogs when approaching them. This is because it can be perceived as intimidating. Patricia McConnell, a well-known behaviorist and trainer, recommends in her book the Other End of the Leash that you use a side-on approach, with your body slightly bent, instead of a straight-on approach. Let the dog move towards you. If your dog is interested in interaction, you can encourage them to come closer by bowing slightly at their knees and patting their thighs.

Petting: It could be wrong

Dog lovers are naturally drawn to the desire to have their dogs as pets. Petting dogs is good for both dogs and us. Numerous studies have shown that petting dogs can reduce stress, blood pressure, and anxiety and boost our “feel-good” hormones, such as oxytocin. Studies have shown that dogs can also reap the benefits of petting – they respond better to touch and voice than dogs who familiar people greet.

It seems impossible to find an incorrect way of petting a dog. You may have been wrongly petting dogs all your life.

Dogs are uncomfortable because of the way most people treat them.

People often feel comfortable walking up to dogs they don’t know and patting their heads. Although it is the most common place dogs reach for, they don’t like being touched on their heads, especially by strangers. Head pats and being pushed or loomed over by strangers can be taken as threatening gestures. You may see your dog or any other dog approach you in this manner.

Dogs are individual creatures and will respond differently to different types of pet. There are some general guidelines that you can follow when petting a dog that you don’t know. If you have been granted permission to pet a dog, the following approach is recommended: Instead of reaching out to the dog or reaching for them, let them initiate contact. Then, if they are willing to be petted, touch the dog under the chin, chest, neck, shoulder or rump. Please no tail touching. Stimming the dog’s back gently is more enjoyable than going back and forth fast.

Do not bother with the hand-sniff

Reaching out and touching a dog’s face is unnecessary for them to smell you. Muto says, “It is a myth that you should reach out your hand to a dog’s face when you meet them.”

Humans are known to reach out and greet others with their hands as a friendly gesture. Muto says that dogs don’t do this. They don’t put their paws out. “They don’t turn around and shove it in another dog’s face.”

Dogs’ noses are amazing, as we have already noted. There are approximately 300 million scent receptors for dogs to our five million. Muto says that dogs don’t need you to hold their noses. Their sense of smell is fantastic. Muto says that dogs can sense you from far away. They can feel your legs if they want to smell you.” He also said that putting your hand in the dog’s face could be perceived as a threat. We don’t know how to read body language, so we don’t recognize signs. It could be as subtle as shifting their eyes or a slight shift in their eyes that we are making them uncomfortable. Although we think we are doing something friendly, our hands can become weapons to dogs. Dogs understand it this way: “Look at what I have, so you better not mess with it!”

You might be thinking, but wait! They are fine with me reaching out and touching their heads. Some dogs might be. All dogs are unique, as we have already said. Dogs are remarkable creatures and will take a lot from humans. While they may be patient while you pat their head, it doesn’t mean they love it. (If you pay attention, you’ll see that many dogs will flinch or duck when you reach up to touch their heads). We can conclude that…

Study and pay attention to body language

Although it may not be obvious, dogs communicate much with one another and others through their body language. You can improve your ability to communicate with dogs by learning more about their body language.

People often need to understand critical cues indicating how a dog feels. Stiffness in the body is a sign of discomfort. Dogs who freeze or stiffen up are no signs they are content. This is a sign that they want to end whatever is going on.

Other small movements, known as “appeasement gestures”, such as lip-licking and yawning, might be seen. These signs indicate a dog trying to cope with stress, not a dog enjoying the moment. Do you notice the dog’s lips moving forward and closing its mouth? This is another sign that a dog might be anxious or annoyed.

Consider the tail. A wagging seat does not necessarily mean a happy dog. Wagging tails do not necessarily mean that the dog is excited. It could indicate that a dog seems excited by what is going on, or it could indicate frustration. The more a dog is excited, the faster their tail wags. A relaxed, happy dog will have a comprehensive, slow tail wag that moves across its entire body. A fast, sharp wag indicates that the dog might be alert or aroused.

It is also essential to consider the position of your tail. Dogs with tails between their legs are more likely to be anxious or stressed. A higher seat means that the dog is more confident. The natural position of a dog’s head will also play a role. A pug’s tail will change less than a golden retriever’s. 

One word about hugging…

As you can see, we recommend you not do this to any dog you don’t know. There’s also a chance your dog won’t like it. McConnell also addresses this topic, noting hugging is a familiar primate gesture of affection. However, it cannot be used in canine society and can be misinterpreted as assertiveness or dominance.

McConnell writes, “Your dog may be benevolent and put up with it, but I have seen hundreds of dogs growl or bite when someone hugged their necks.” Look out for these signs. If your dog’s tongue is dangling out, they are relaxed and leaning in your arms, which is excellent. If they close, their mouth could indicate that they are ignoring you. This is not what any dog wants.

Children love dogs, and it is often mutual. If you are out with your child, ensure they understand the rules of engagement for approaching dogs they don’t know. If they’re not, ensure they’re kept away from dogs. Your human child should not let a dog or a dog pet them without first talking to the owner. If they engage, ensure they aren’t jumping on or touching the dog too much.

Getting a dog

People with small dogs face a particular problem: strangers may want to pick up the dog. Even small dogs like to have four dogs on the ground, so they should interact with strangers. Only pick up a dog that you have met. Unintentionally, lifting a dog that you don’t know can cause fear in the dog or emotional discomfort. If the dog tries to escape your arms, it could also result in a physical injury. If the dog is suffering from a pre-existing condition that is not apparent, damage can quickly happen.

If you are allowed to lift your dog, make sure to do so using the proper technique. Don’t use their front legs to hoist them, and don’t lift them from their stomach. Watch this video to learn how to lift dogs of various sizes.

Dog food

Although many people are genuinely interested in giving treats to their dogs, it is best only to do so if you have permission.

Even though a treat for dogs may seem harmless, you never know what a dog will do with a particular food. Dogs may have special diets or allergies. Giving them treats without their permission is rude and could make them sick. You should always check with your guardian before you give treats to dogs. Also, respect their rules, such as asking them to sit down first.

It is essential to be thoughtful and intentional when you interact with dogs. Muto said, “Think about the dog.” Dogs have their personalities, needs, and wants. Be sure to ask questions before you approach a dog. The person at the other end can give you valuable information about their dog’s preferences. It’s fun to pet dogs, but it’s also very rewarding to learn more about dogs and to build mutually beneficial friendships with them.

It can be daunting and exciting to bring a pet into your home. Even if you already have an animal, having a pet can bring up many unanswered questions.

Is it really possible for dogs to be so different from cats? Can a bird be allowed to fly around the house without being controlled? Are fish required to see a particular type of vet?

We did some research and compiled tips on how to care for animals. Our focus was on household pets. This guide will help you feel at home with your pet, whether it’s your first time or if you have had pets in the past.

The guide to caring for animals

You can follow basic guidelines no matter what furry friend or pet you have. Look through the article to identify your species and get your tips.

Overview of taking care of dogs – a canine companion

Basics – Make sure you have high-quality dog food in your home, especially if you bring a puppy home. The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals points out that puppies usually need three to four meals daily. You should always have clean, fresh water available.

You must ensure your pet is safe. You will need a temperature control system to ensure your dog is comfortable outdoors. This could include access to warm water in the summer and a warm shelter in winter. Indoor and outdoor dogs should have a microchip or a collar that identifies them.

You should also remember a few other important things. You should have a routine for grooming your dog and allow plenty of time to walk. Experts agree that dogs should be taken for a walk at a minimum of once per day, and this is independent from bathroom breaks.

Veterinary Care: All puppies should visit the veterinarian at least once a month. Expect a physical exam, as well as testing for worms. It is a great time to discuss vaccinations and when spay/neuter should be done. These procedures can be performed starting at eight weeks old.

Older dogs who are newly adopted will receive a similar initial vet visit. Bring along any medical records. It is common for shelter pets to have a partial medical history. So schedule your appointment sooner than you think.

You should take your dog in for an annual exam after he has had his last round of vaccines at four months. You should also be on the lookout for any signs indicating health problems requiring immediate attention. There are many signs of something wrong, including weight loss, mood changes, or a lack of energy.

Cat care for feline friends

Basics – While some cat owners let their pets roam the streets, the Humane Society of the United States suggests keeping your feline friend inside to ensure their safety. It is important to identify your cat, either by microchip or collar. If your cat does wander off, ID will increase the likelihood of them safely returning home.

You’ll need to decide which feeding strategy is best for your cat. Some felines can eat all day. Some cats are more likely to overeat and require a regular feeding schedule, such as two meals per day. Make sure to read the nutrition label carefully to ensure that there is a balanced amount of fats and proteins. Ask your veterinarian for any food information.

There are some essential pieces of equipment to equip your cat’s home fully. A litter box, scratching post, nail clippers and cat toys are all necessary. Declawing is an option, but most veterinarians will only recommend it if the cat can resist furniture.

Regular grooming is a great idea. While they can do it all themselves, many felines love to be brushed. Regular grooming can help reduce hairballs.

Veterinary Care: The guidelines for cats are the same as those for dogs. After bringing your feline friend home, you should visit a veterinarian to check for worms. Also, make sure that you have all the necessary vaccinations. Like dogs, cats can be spayed/neutered at eight weeks.

Regular check-ups should be done every year for adult cats. Some vets recommend even twice a year. Routine visits are designed to keep your cat healthy and take only 30 minutes.

Keep in mind that many cats find vet visits stressful. Getting your cat used to the carrier before you go is a good idea.

Helping those who have avian pets by taking care of them

Basics Properly caring for and socializing with a bird can be more difficult than one might think. According to the Association of Avian Veterinarians, it is a good idea for your bird to be kept in an area with many family activities and human interaction.

You should ensure that you have enough toys, perches and some cage liner papers. Access to water is essential for birds in order to bathe. Some birds will take care of their baths themselves, although you might need to mist the water to encourage this behavior.

When deciding whether to clip your bird’s wings, take some time to think about the environment in which they live and what their needs are. Your pet will only be able to fly freely if there are enough windows or ceiling fans in your home. Some birds require more exercise to maintain a healthy weight.

Although birds are natural grazers, it is relatively easy to feed them. However, a healthy diet requires more than just nuts and seeds. It’s better to feed your bird vegetables and pellets.

Veterinary Care: It is important to find a qualified veterinarian in advance if your pet requires special care. To make sure that everything is in order, bring your new bird in as soon as possible. Then, keep an annual check.

Birds can hide injuries and illnesses very well, so pay attention to behavioral or physical changes. When in doubt, schedule an appointment.

Fish care for water-bound friends

Basics Fish are simpler than other animals in certain ways. However, there are some details you may need to be made aware of. PetMD explains that fish cannot know when it is time to stop eating. You need to be careful not to overfeed your fish. Most commercial pellets or flakes are made to meet the nutritional needs of fish.

You can make the tank as simple or as elaborate as you like, as long as it has water, a filter and a heating system. You will also need to clean your tank, replace water as necessary, and maintain a safe pH. Saltwater fish aquariums will require additional equipment and maintenance. You might consider starting with freshwater fish.

Veterinary Care: Although fish might not require as much care as other animals they can still get sick. If you notice changes in behavior, appetite, or general discomfort, it is time to make an appointment.

A simple exam and some diagnostic tests can usually diagnose the problem. Infectious diseases and poor water quality are common causes of fish health problems. It is important to maintain a clean environment.

Helping reptile owners with snakes, snakes and frogs

Basics Reptiles are two distinct classes of animals but are collectively called herptiles. To maintain proper temperature regulation, these cold-blooded animals require habitats that have heating elements. To find the best terrarium habitat for your pet, do some research.

While some herptiles are happy to eat commercial pet food, others need fresher food. These could be fruits, vegetables, insects, or small rodents. For example, snakes will often eat chicks or mice. Ask your local pet shop about the products they offer and make sure you research your pet’s nutritional requirements.

Reptiles and amphibians, like fish, need to have their habitats regularly. Daily maintenance will include wiping up spills and removing any food that has not been eaten. Weekly cleaning will be required. To ensure your pet’s safety while you clean, having a second terrarium is a good idea.

Veterinary Care: Some mixed-animal vets will treat reptile and amphibian patients. However, others won’t. The Find A Vet Page of the Association of Reptilian and Amphibian Veterinarians may help you find a qualified professional.

You are surprised that your herptile requires an annual veterinary visit. If something is unusual, your vet may request imaging or testing.

Tips for small mammals–tips to those who have tiny pets

Basics: These small mammals, such as rabbits, mice and gerbils, are great choices for parents who want to bring a pet into their home with children. Owners don’t have to spend as much time or money on these animals as if they were bringing home a dog or cat. However, even small mammals require care and attention.

First, you will want to choose a cage that suits your pet’s needs. The size and accessories of the cage will vary depending on the animal. Exercise wheels are an excellent option for small mammals, especially hamsters. Chew toys are a great option to prevent your pet from chewing on their food or cage.

Small mammals are accustomed to eating fruits, vegetables, and pellets. However, you must do your research on the best diet for your pet. The nutritional needs of small mammals can be more varied than you might think. If you have any questions, it is a good idea to contact your veterinarian.

Veterinary Care: Like all other animals, small mammals should be seen by a vet as soon as they arrive home. Spaying or neutering is a good idea to ensure your pet’s health. You should ask about vaccinations.

Not all small-animal practitioners are trained to work with gerbils, Guinea pigs and other small animals. You may need to find a specialist for some of these exotic pets.

Offer the best care for your animal friends

The first step in properly taking care of an animal is to welcome them into your home. To keep your pet happy, you must also address their nutrition, habitat, as well as everything else. A relationship with your veterinarian is the best way to ensure that you are meeting your pet’s needs.

You might be curious about the work of veterinarians after all this talk about animal care. They don’t just care for cute animals. Read our article “What is a Veterinarian?” to learn more about these medical professionals. The Role of Animal Doctors.

Would you like your furry friend to look and feel his very best? Here are some care tips for Golden Retrievers that will help you do just that.

As beautiful as that Golden coat may be, your canine companion needs your help to maintain that healthy glow.
Proper grooming involves bathing, brushing, and keeping an eye out for skin problems.
From brushing your dog’s teeth (I’m not joking!) to keeping his toenails trimmed, the time you spend on your Golden’s care will make him feel great and look like a champ. The advice “You are what you eat” applies to pets, too.

How to Take Care of a Golden Retriever

Let’s explore ways to fulfill your dog’s nutritional requirements by following some excellent dog feeding guidelines, along with some special information on feeding a puppy.
And let’s see if we can unravel the mystery about which type of dog food might be best for your Golden Retriever.
Every stage of your dog’s development presents a unique set of circumstances.
We’ll take a look at the best ways to meet the special needs of puppies, adults, and Golden oldies with care tips for Golden Retrievers of all ages.

Living Arrangements

Most Golden Retrievers are beloved indoor pets, so we’ll examine the situation from both sides–keeping your dog safe from household hazards such as poisonous plants, and keeping your house safe from an enthusiastic, lively Golden by puppy-proofing your home.

Here’s another great idea: a sturdy dog crate, used appropriately, can be both a safe haven for your furry friend and a protector of your house and sanity.
Where will your Golden companion sleep? If this is your first dog, you’ll want to consider the options before you bring him home.

If circumstances prevent you from keeping a dog in the house, there are still ways to make him as comfortable as possible outside.
We’ll look at some ideas for kennels and other outdoor care tips for Golden Retrievers in order to make the best of this less-than-ideal situation.

Health Care and Your Veterinarian

When it comes to your dog, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.
Here are some health care tips for Golden Retrievers that you can do at home to help keep your Golden in tip-top shape:
• Excellent nutrition
• Special diets when necessary
• Administering prescribed medication

You’ve done your part well, but you still need a professional’s help.
Let’s talk about your veterinarian. She’s an important part of responsible Golden Retriever care.
How do you choose one?
How can you experience relatively stress-free visits to the vet?
You might even get a break on the cost of dog health care if you choose to invest in pet health insurance.

Physical and Mental Fitness

Every dog is different in his level of athletic ability, but there are some basic guidelines on Golden Retriever care when it comes to exercise.
We’ll look at a Golden’s wide range of energy levels and give you some ideas to help your Golden companion stay fit and happy.
Staying fit means more than just physical activity. It’s important to provide mental stimulation for your pooch, too.
He’ll be much happier that way, with less chance of becoming bored.
Boredom can lead to a host of behavior problems, so let’s derail that train before it even heads down the track.

Daily Care–For a Lifetime

From puppyhood to the senior years, your canine friend relies on you for his food, shelter and companionship.
It’s not difficult to take care of a Golden, but it requires a commitment on your part.
His options are limited. He needs you!
Feel free to browse through these care tips for Golden Retrievers and see what you can add to your collection.
I hope you’ll find a useful suggestion you haven’t thought of before, that will make your canine buddy even happier.

There’s a popular trend going on these days of introducing a very old and popular herb to your pets that has many medical properties. Can you make a guess of it? Yes, you are right! It’s known as cannabis. Pet owners are using it to treat their pets from a wide range of ailments that includes anxiety, arthritis, and cancer.

In the early days, the use of cannabis was treated as harmful and was lawfully restricted from using it. Well, we should thank the government and the medical establishments of removing the misconceptions revolving around the society about the perceived dangers of the consumption of cannabis. During the past few years, medical and public opinion and mostly legislation have taken the other way of making the use of cannabis legal.

People often confuse the use of cannabis with marijuana. Cannabis is a broad term that includes both hemp and marijuana. People are using hemp instead of marijuana for their pets. Both have totally different properties and are also used for different purposes.

Marijuana vs Hemp

Marijuana and hemp are both extracted from the same plant known as Cannabis Sativa. Marijuana can also be collected from another member of the cannabis family which is known as Cannabis Indica. The cannabis plant contains more than 60 chemicals which are called cannabinoids. The major two types of cannabinoids are known as Cannabidiol(CBD) and Tetrahydrocannabinol(THC). CBDs contains therapeutic properties while THCs are mostly used for recreational purposes.

Both the product of Cannabis have a different percentage of these two major cannabinoids namely THC and CBD. Marijuana contains more 10 – 15 percent of THC while hemp contains less than 0.4 percent of it. At this point, hemp has no intoxicating effect on pets or humans.

So, why is that hemp has medicinal properties and marijuana doesn’t. This is due to the difference in the content of CBD, which is responsible for the therapeutic properties. Hemp contains a lot more percent of CBDs than marijuana.

How do CBD works?

Now, that you know why cannabis can be introduced to your pets in the form of cannabis oil vape in UK or dry hemp powder, you should know how CBD functions inside the body system. The cannabis plant has a lot of chemicals other than CBD known by phytocannabinoids, terpenoids, and flavonoids. Humans and other mammals have specific parts inside the body that are known as cannabinoid receptor sites. These sites are present in the brain and central nervous system and in peripheral organs. Several studies have shown that many cannabinoids have anti-inflammatory properties that can help with pain, tumors, seizures, muscle spasms, appetite simulation, skin conditions, etc. It can also help to fight depression, anxiety, and several other neurological disorders.

How it Can Help Your Pets?

Suppose you are using cannabis oil vape or skunk flavored e-liquid which is also a hemp oil, you should know its benefits. Let’s start with the chronic conditions that most of the pets suffer from which includes arthritis, compromised immune systems, stress responses, and digestive issues. Use of hemp oil in the form of cannabis oil vape can prove beneficial to help your pets fight these type of chronic disorders.

Apart from chronic disorders, CBD hemp in the form of skunk flavored e-liquid in UK can also be useful in treating acute diseases in pets such as sprains, strains, torn ligaments, bone cracks, and fractures. Beside these, it is sometimes also used as a relaxant during post-operative care to reduce swelling, pain, and stiffness.

Last but not least, the use of CBD hemp can reduce the use of conventional drugs to treat some of the above-mentioned ailments and diseases. Conventional drugs often carry some sort of side effects which is totally eliminated in CBD hemp products. This is one of the major benefits of using cannabis instead of conventional drugs in pets.

Allergies can have your residence pet miserable as well as dog illness food is cheaper as well as simpler to have than ever. Have we beheld which there have been some-more allergies as well as sensitivities currently than ever before? Why is that? Grains have been being used as filler in a food as well as preservatives, as well as with larger bearing there is some-more possibility of building allergic reactions. So what about dog food?

Healthy Treats For Dogs

There’s heaps of grain, by-product as well as preservatives starting in to your dog’s food too. It can be tough for us to figure out if we have an allergy, so how many harder is it when your dog can’t even discuss it we if they’re feeling ill from their food? Allergies have us all miserable so because would it be any opposite for a pets.


So what does a dog pang from allergies demeanour like? Unlike humans a allergy customarily comes out by a skin rather than than a nasal passage. Not sneezing though prickly as well as chewing. Often they will humour from bad cloak condition, infrequently there’s oily covering to a cloak as well as an upsetting smell. Often a dog’s cloak will be in a bad approach Also your dog can get prohibited spots. These have been tingling areas which mostly means utterly a lot of trouble as well as exasperation for a dog. They’ll finish up as open sores which can take a prolonged time to heal. And reduced haired dogs can get these usually as many as prolonged haired ones. They have been many usual at a bottom of a tail, though can start anywhere.

Some dogs can unequivocally good from unchanging showering in a hypoallergenic shampoo, as this will frame off a mud as well as germ which can means or minister to a allergic reaction. If this is sum with a diagnosis to ease a skin it can move a lot of service to your dog. Doing this each day is a good approach to mangle a cycle in serious cases.

One some-more usual approach for allergies as well as sensitivities to vaunt is a consistent scratching as well as worrying at sold area. This is something which is pathetic for your dog as well as we wish a resolution right right away to give them a small relief.

Dogs can be allergic to a same arrange of things which humans have been similar to pollen, dirt mites as well as mould. So a good initial step is to simply have certain which your residence is kept clean, from dirt as well as mould.

Another allergy which dogs can rise is food allergies. It is singular for dogs to be innate with a food allergy as well as it customarily develops to a certain partial in a food which they have been having. Often this is a pellet which is being used to bulk out a food. These grains have been ordinarily corn as well as wheat gluten which is a invalid by-product of a tellurian food industry. It is afterwards put in a dog food as well as ostensible to be healthy! There is not any genuine nutritive worth in this as well as it isn’t startling which it causes allergy as well as sensitivity, generally after years of consumption.

What Treats Are Good For Dogs

While it is critical for a dogs to have a small arrange of unfeeling have a difference to give them a finish nutrients which they need, grains should usually have up a tiny partial of a sum diet. Meat proteins as well as animal fat have been many some-more critical tools of a dog diet.

In many dishes there is a preservative called Ethoxyquin which has been related to many allergies as well as even cancer. So celebration of a mass a mixture list is unequivocally critical to your dog carrying a many appropriate illness possible. But a complaint is which infrequently a nasty preservatives can be dark or combined prior to a last processing, so it wont crop up on a list of ingredients.

Its some-more critical currently afterwards ever to be wakeful of what is unequivocally starting in to a food which we feed a dogs as well as dog illness food is a good approach of giving a many appropriate to your pooch. By creation certain which we usually give them a many healthful food, we can supplement years to their hold up as well as some-more appetite everyday. Its unequivocally a small bid for a illusory as well as durability compensate off.

Your dog can show signs of canine hypothermia with just exposure to cold water and some wind. It can be deadly, so know the symptoms and be prepared to administer treatment.

Hypothermia In Dogs

What is hypothermia? It’s when a dog’s core body temperature drops due to exposure to cold. A dog’s normal body temperature is 101-102 degrees Fahrenheit (38.3 to 38.8 degrees Celsius). Hypothermia occurs when his temperature drops below 97 degrees F (36 degrees C).

Common Causes of Hypothermia

The main cause of canine hypothermia is prolonged exposure to cold temperatures.
But the temperature outside doesn’t even have to be below freezing.
In fact, studies have shown that 55-degree water, with 40-degree air temperature and 10 mph winds are prime conditions for hypothermia in dogs.

An accidental fall into cold water is also likely to lead to hypothermia.
But the water doesn’t even have to be icy cold, because the body loses heat more quickly in water than in air.

Hypothermia Symptoms

You usually have no problem recognizing when you’re too cold, but hypothermia symptoms are subtler, and unvoiced, in dogs. Canine hypothermia can be divided into three categories or stages:

1. Mild: Your dog begins to shiver uncontrollably. He’ll begin to act lethargic or tired. Typically at this stage his temperature is between 96 and 99 degrees F (35.5 to 37.2 C).
2. Moderate: Once your dog’s temperature falls into the 90-95 degree F range (32.2 to 35 C), he loses his ability to shiver. He’ll lose coordination and appear clumsy. His pulse and breathing rates slow, and he may lose consciousness. Your dog’s life is in serious danger.
3. Severe: At this point your dog has collapsed, he’s having trouble breathing, his pupils are dilated, and he’s probably unresponsive. His temperature is 82-90 degrees F (27.8 to 32.2 C). It’s critical that you warm your dog quickly and get him to an emergency vet center immediately.

How to Treat Hypothermia

If you’re home when your dog begins showing signs of hypothermia, rub him vigorously with towels to dry his fur. (You can give him a warm bath first, if you have time.)
Slowly warm him using a hair dryer on the lowest setting. Offer him a warm drink and warm him gradually by wrapping him in a blanket that’s been warmed in the dryer.
Place plastic milk or soda bottles filled with hot water outside the blankets, not touching the dog.
You can also place a plastic tarp over the blanket to help keep the heat in, making sure your dog’s head isn’t covered.
Monitor his temperature, and stop warming him when his temperature reaches 101 F (38.3 C).
Monitor for shock even after his temperature has returned to normal, and take him to the veterinarian as soon as possible.

Canine Hypothermia on a Hunting Trip

Knowing how to treat canine hypothermia when you’re out hunting with your Golden Retriever is even more crucial, as you probably won’t be close to a vet or the conveniences of home.
Your main concern is to remove your dog from further exposure to cold, and prevent any more heat loss.
First, dry him with towels, your coat, or anything that will absorb the water.
The next step is getting your dog out of the wind.
If you’re in a duck blind, that won’t be too difficult, but if you’re hunting from a boat or in flooded timber you can use your coat to make a wind block.
Get cozy–open your coat and huddle with your dog to help him warm up.
If you can get your dog to your truck, put him on the floorboard, crank up the truck and use the heater. In lieu of a warm truck, build a fire to produce some heat.
Vigorously rub your dog, preferably with a dry towel. Besides drying him off, the rubbing creates friction that produces heat.
If you have a mylar emergency blanket with your hunting stuff, you can use it either as a thermal shield to reflect the heat of a fire or to create a small warming chamber in the truck.
Of course, if no heat source is available or you need to carry your dog a long distance to a vehicle, wrapping him in anything will help trap body heat.
You’ll know you’re making progress by watching symptoms reverse themselves until eventually your dog begins to shiver.
This means his temperature has risen to the point that his brain once again recognizes that he’s cold and needs to warm up. But it’s still crucial that you get him to a vet as soon as possible.

How to Prevent Hypothermia

Perhaps the easiest way to deal with canine hypothermia is to simply avoid it. That doesn’t mean you have to cancel those cold weather duck hunts, but you need to take a few extra precautions when the mercury drops.

• When transporting your dog to the field, put cedar shavings in the dog box to help insulate it.
• If you use a plastic or wire crate, use an insulated kennel cover to provide shelter from the cold wind as you drive to your hunting location.
• Once you arrive, put a neoprene vest on your dog to help him retain body heat. There are several manufacturers and models to choose from.
• Sitting in the cold water will zap the warmth right out of a dog. So use a dog stand or find a dry spot in the boat or blind for your dog to sit.
• Keep your wet dog out of the wind. Hang a piece of burlap or put him behind a brush pile–anything that will help keep some of the cold wind off.
• Dry your dog often, using towels or a chamois cloth.
• If it’s bitter cold and the shooting is slow, throw a stick (on land) a few times to get your dog moving, keep his blood pumping, and help him stay warm.

Damage and Recovery

Dogs who experience mild or moderate hypothermia usually enjoy a complete recovery.
Most long-term hypothermic damage occurs to organs (such as the brain) that have not received adequate blood flow during severe hypothermia. In that case, it may be several days or weeks before you or your veterinarian know the entire extent of the damage.
Canine hypothermia kills dogs every year. Knowing basic hypothermia information and treatment procedures may one day help you save your dog’s life.

In many parts of the United States, canine Lyme disease is becoming an increasing problem for both dogs and their owners. So let’s talk about what it is, and what you can do about it.

Lyme Disease In Dogs

Lyme disease was named for the town of Lyme, Connecticut, where the first human cases were diagnosed in 1977. The first case of canine Lyme disease was reported in 1984.
This disease is found today in every area of the United States, and is endemic (always present) on the east coast, west coast and upper Midwest. It can also be found in several areas of Europe and Asia.

Causes of Lyme Disease

The deer tick is the culprit most commonly responsible for spreading canine Lyme disease.
To be more precise, ticks don’t actually cause the disease–they’re just the carriers. The bacterium that causes Lyme disease is a spiral shaped organism called Borrelia burgdorferi.
The ticks feed on smaller critters (often the white-footed mouse) that are infected, then move on to bigger prey. That’s usually deer, but they’re not fussy–dogs or people will do just fine.
After the tick’s been drinking its victim’s blood for 24 to 48 hours, it injects a substance into the blood to keep it from getting too thick. That’s when the disease-causing organisms get injected into the victim, too.
So you have a small window of opportunity (24 to 48 hours) to get ticks off your dog (or yourself) before the disease is transmitted. Unfortunately, these ticks are smaller than the head of a pin, so they’re easy to miss.
Not every deer tick harbors canine Lyme disease–only about 10 to 50 percent of them do, depending on the part of the country they live in. Those still aren’t very good odds for your dogs and you.

Symptoms Of Lyme Disease In Dogs

Symptoms may not show up immediately after an infected tick steals a meal from your pooch. In fact, dogs can harbor the organisms for several months before the first symptoms of Lyme disease appear.
The telltale Lyme disease bullseye rash that shows up on people is quite rare on dogs. But here are the most common canine Lyme disease symptoms to watch for:
• Swollen, painful joints
• Lameness
• Fever
• Loss of appetite
• Lethargy
• Swollen lymph nodes

How is Lyme Disease Diagnosed?

It’s difficult to diagnose Lyme disease because the symptoms mimic many other problems. Your veterinarian will try to reach a diagnosis by:
• Asking you if your dog’s been in an endemic area, where he could have been exposed to a deer tick
• Performing a physical exam to look for typical clinical signs
• Drawing blood in order to perform a special test
Until recently, vets found it nearly impossible to determine if the presence of antibodies to Borrelia burgdorferi were caused by an earlier vaccination or by the actual infection.
A new Lyme disease test–called a C6 ELISA–is now available which provides information about three diseases–heartworm (carried by mosquitoes), canine Ehrlichiosis and canine Lyme disease (both of which are carried by ticks).
This new test is unique in that it can determine whether the antibody was produced in response to active infection or by vaccination, making it much easier to make an accurate diagnosis.

How Is Lyme Disease Treated?

The best treatment for Lyme disease (for both dogs and people, actually) is a round of antibiotics. The antibiotic doxycycline is relatively inexpensive and has limited side effects for dogs.
Most vets prefer doxycycline because it also successfully treats several other tick-borne diseases that may be causing these symptoms. Amoxicillin and tetracycline are other frequently used antibiotics for Lyme disease.
Fortunately, over ninety percent of dogs treated within the first week of obvious symptoms will respond rapidly to antibiotic treatment, often within 2 to 5 days.

Lyme Disease Prognosis

Prognosis for dogs with canine Lyme disease is very good. But it’s really important to finish out the full term of the prescribed antibiotic therapy. Don’t stop early, just because your dog seems to be well.
According to Lyme disease statistics, about five percent of dogs will have some type of relapse–with later symptoms of Lyme disease in the form of heart or nerve damage–even after treatment.
Some of these dogs will experience chronic Lyme disease symptoms of lifelong joint pain from the damage caused by the bacteria. That’s why the sooner treatment is started, the better the dog’s chances of a complete recovery.

How to Prevent Lyme Disease

Prevention is the key to keeping your dog healthy and free from this disease. Here are some ways to reduce the chance of ticks feasting on your dog:
• Use insecticides on the yard around your house
• Check your dog for ticks every time he comes back into the house
• Remove ticks carefully with tweezers, and apply an antiseptic to the spot where the tick was dining
• Discuss tick preventives and repellents with your veterinarian
• A monthly medication (applied between the shoulders) combined with a prescription-strength tick collar have
been shown to be quite successful when used together
• If you use a topical once-a-month tick product, always consult your veterinarian before applying any
additional repellent product
• Insect repellents designed to be applied to clothing should not be used on dogs
• If you own a kennel, check with your veterinarian about tick control measures specially designed for
Use of the current canine Lyme disease vaccine is still being debated. It’s not 100 percent effective, and it only prevents infection in dogs vaccinated before any exposure to Lyme organisms. That means it only helps puppies and dogs from non-Lyme areas traveling to Lyme areas. Annual boosters are needed to continue the vaccine-based immunity.
Opponents of the vaccine argue that Lyme disease is an infection for which over 90 percent of infected dogs will never even get sick anyway. And the 5 to 10 percent that do get sick can be easily treated with a safe, inexpensive course of antibiotics. This is an issue you may want to discuss with your vet.

Is Lyme Disease Contagious?

You can’t catch canine Lyme disease from your dog, but you could get the disease if your dog is harboring an infected tick and that tick bites you, too.
That’s why it’s really important to try to keep ticks off your dog and to check yourself for ticks frequently.

When I am out and about, there are a number of tings I hear continuously – one is ‘my dog will never sit still’, which I wrote about a couple of weeks ago – and another is how do you get good images of pets with a dark coat and dark eyes. The problem most people face is that when they take a photo of their pet the eyes can get lost because they are similar in colour to the pets coat. This can happen with pets that have brown coast and brown eyes, or black coats with dark brown eyes and often the images may have been taken inside or in deep shade where there is not much light. t can also sometimes happen when the eyes are set back or their is a bit of hair over the eyes that may put them in some shade.

Pictures Of Dogs

The easiest way to find your pets eyes is to get a ‘catch-light’ in their eyes, this just means a bit of light reflection that gives their eyes a bit of sparkle and makes them stand out. You can do this indoors with a flash, but the problem is that sometimes you cannot control your flash and you end up with ‘demon’ eyes, where they look like a lion being photographed at night with eyes peering out from the grass lands. The image to the right is taken in the studio with flash heads that are adjustable and set up with light boxes. An on camera flash will not allow the same type of adjustment.

The best way is to take your pet outside or close to a window that has plenty of light, have them facing the light and look at their eyes, and see if they have a bit of light there? If you do this outside, try to do it on a overcast day, as this will allow you to get a more even shot without harsh shadows. If it is a sunny day, try to find some nice light shade.

Many cameras have an automatic setting and this is great for everyday general photographing, however if you are trying to photograph things that are at the extreme end of colour such as something very light or something very dark, it may find it hard to give you a good image, the camera is not as good as your eyes as picking up little details. You can try using your cameras manual setting such as full manual, where you can adjust the shutter speed and aperture or use either aperture or shutter speed priority settings. These setting will allow you to dictate how light or dark you want your image, and the great thing about digital is that you can take a couple of shots to see if it is right and than make adjustments if it isn’t. Most cameras should also let you adjust your ISO, this is a term from film days that related to the speed of your film. A higher ISO, like 800, will give you more light in darker conditions and a smaller ISO of 100, less light. You need to remember that the higher your ISO the more ‘noise’ you will get in your images. Noise is like grain in film, and will be most noticeable if you plan to make enlargements of your images.

I have gotten a bit technical here and given a quick course on your digital camera. If you really want great images, it does pay to get to know your camera and how to make adjustments – in the end you will find you can get some beautiful shots of your dark fur-friend.


A new kitten can be a very exciting and memorable event in the cat lover’s life. If you don’t want your joy to become a problem, it is best to train your fluffy kitten quickly. This article will give you great tips on how to get your cat started with litter box use and also offer some helpful suggestions for dealing with the unpleasant aspects of litter box cleaning.

What is the best time to start litter-training a kitten?

It is best to introduce your kitten immediately to a litterbox upon their arrival. It is not difficult to get a cat to use the litter box. Cats are clean animals with a strong instinct for burying their waste. 1 Talk to your veterinarian if you are having trouble getting your kitten used to using its litter box.

How to teach your kitten to use a litter box

You should place the litter box in a quiet part of your home. Clumping litter is preferred because it makes cleanup much easier. It is possible to try different types of litter until you find the one that your cat likes. You can leave some urine and feces in your litter box to train your kitten. This will allow the kitten to associate it with going to the toilet. After the kitten has been trained, you can clean out the litter box completely if necessary.

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It is a good idea for your cat to go to the litter box immediately after it has finished eating, sleeping, or playing. You should immediately place your kitten in the litter box if you see it scratching or showing other signs of discomfort. You may need to confine your kitten to one room at first until they become more comfortable using the litter box. Then, give them freedom to roam the rest of the house.

You will eventually want to place a litter box on every level of your home. Multiple litter boxes will make it easier for your kitten to access the litter box. To ensure your cat has a litter box at all times, it is advisable to have one litter box.

Five Tips to Deal with Litter Box Smells

The litter box training of a new cat is just half the work. It is also a challenge to maintain the litterbox in order to reduce odors and keep your home comfortable for your two-legged friends as well as your feline companion. Here are some tips to hide the smell and appearance of indoor litter boxes.

There are effective ways to reduce litter box odor

1. Keep your litter box clean every day. Although it can be tedious, regular cleaning will help to keep your cat’s litter boxes clean and prevent any odors or buildup of waste. You can also monitor your pet’s health. Unusual bathroom habits are often a sign of illness. Every week, empty the litter and clean the litter box.

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2. Add baking soda to the bottom of your litterbox. Next, add baking soda to the bottom of your litter box.

3. Between each use, use an odor-eliminating air freshener. Many products on the market trap airborne particles that contain odors and reduce their impact upon contact.

4. Cover your litterbox with a cover. This prevents odors from escaping open-air litter boxes. A litter box with an integrated air filter might be worth your consideration.

5. Keep your litter box away from carpets and furniture that absorb cat odors. Hanging clothes in the laundry room can absorb cat odors.

Ideas to hide your cat’s litter box

After the odors have been controlled, cat owners may be concerned about the appearance of the litter box. We have your back.

How to teach a cat how to use the toilet

What about teaching your cat how to use the toilet? That was obvious! It is possible to toilet train your cat, but it is not impossible. You will need patience, a lot of time and a place that is off-limits for humans during training.

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There are some important considerations that you should make before teaching your cat how to use the toilet. Chris Roth, Pets Best’s in-house veterinarian, says that cats should not be trained to use a litter box instead of a toilet bowl. First, it can be stressful for older or younger cats, particularly if they have bone or joint problems, to balance on a toilet chair. Second, even though it is not always pleasant to dispose of your cat’s waste, it can be a valuable indicator about your cat’s health.

Your cat’s waste can be consistent in its content and frequency, which could indicate a greater health problem. It could be a sign of a serious health problem if it isn’t being flushed.

Most people accept litter boxes as a fact of owning cats. These tips can be used as a starting point for your own ideas or to help you find a solution that works for you and your four-legged family members.

We call him Duke, “The Wonder Dog.” Not because he can fly, although he is fleet of feet, but because that is what our Vet called him after surviving a battle with “kennel cough” that very nearly took his life. He is pictured here in the early stages of treatment with the Vet that saved his life, Dr.Tom Flack and his wife, Janice, a very caring lady who works with her husband in his Scottsdale, Arizona Veterinary Clinic.  Had it not been for them this story would have had a very sad ending. Sign on shelter runThis was the sign posted on the door of a kennel in the animal shelter where I met my new buddy, Duke. As you can see he is a three-year old male chocolate lab that was brought in with several other dogs due to neglect. He was extremely underweight with protruding ribs, dehydrated and could not keep any food down. He had a hacking cough and must have felt terrible but that didn’t stop him from putting on the act of his life, rolling over on his back and smothering me with kisses. Something in me connected with that dog at that moment and not just because of his attentiveness.

He had a look in his eye that told me I was his last chance even though at the time I had no idea about the fate of the other dogs brought in with him (they had to be put down) nor did I have any idea how really sick this dog was. Other than his weight and the cough, I thought he looked and acted pretty healthy and I was assured that with the proper care his “kennel cough” would clear up. My Mom with her dog Spirit just before her death at age 81 My Mother (pictured here with her dog Spirit) had just passed away after a long battle with lung cancer and I was visiting the shelter having felt the need for some animal companionship and comfort. Dogs and cats have this uncanny ability to detect and offer consolation to depressed or sad humans even when they are the ones we should be feeling sorry for, locked up with no place to call home and no one to love them but the shelter volunteers.  You can say what you want about how hard it is to visit a shelter without leaving with a new pet but I had no intention of adopting an animal and I had made several previous visits and gone away sad for them all but without a new companion.

I had just recently refused to take a dog (black lab) that needed a good home and this offer came from a friend who had gotten him as a puppy. Besides, even though it’s a great thing to do to adopt a homeless dog or cat, you are rolling the dice as to it’s health. Without knowing the history of any animal beyond what the shelter can tell you or the things it may be exposed to once there – it’s a risky proposition at best. Of course all of these factors were tossed out the window when I looked into those big brown eyes. Before you start thinking that I am advocating that we stop adopting animals from shelters let me assure you that I am not. Shelters and rescues are some of the best places to find a good pet, certainly a heck of a lot better than a mall pet shop or puppy  mill and I admire greatly the people who dedicate themselves to doing what I can’t. But as any vet will tell you, be very careful if and when you decide to adopt and try to find out the history of the animal as best you can with regard to how they may have been cared for, what inoculations they might have already gotten (if any), etc. This particular shelter is in a small town in NE Arizona, about one hour from Scottsdale and if I had the means and the land I would have adopted all the animals in it and had the thing torn down.

It is one poor excuse for a shelter (due to lack of funds) and I have vowed that when I win the lottery all that will change. As it was I donated a hundred bucks in my Mom’s name, paid the $40. adoption fee and took the Dukester home. The first day of Duke’s new lifeHe was so happy to be out of there that I think he forgot just how sick he was and looking at him here you would not be able to tell, he was scampering around having a good ole time. It wasn’t until the next morning that all hell broke loose. I had driven back home in the afternoon, too late to take him to a Vet for a checkup but I had made an appointment for the following morning. He spent the first night in his new home snuggled in a lambskin doggy bed but woke us up several times with his hacking cough. Although tearing at our hearts to hear it there wasn’t much to be done until his 10:00 appointment with the Vet.

My wife and I are fortunate enough to live in a neighborhood with a nice park nearby and there are several people we know that walk their dogs there in the mornings, my wife’s sister’s dog Herbie (a Yorkie Poo) is one of them. It was her that I asked for a recommendation for a Vet and she told me about Dr. Tom Flack, a neighbor who walked his dog in the same park and who took care of most of the neighbors dogs. I don’t mind telling you that waking up that first morning and seeing what had happened during the night scared the heck out of me. Duke had started bleeding through the nose sometime during the night and sneezing had caused blood spatter right out of a Michael Connelly murder mystery. (Any Harry Bosch fans out there?) Will he make it?To make a long story short I immediately called Dr. Tom (as he is affectionately referred to) and told him the situation. He advised me to get Duke into his office ASAP and he would meet me there. I made the ten minute drive to his clinic in about six minutes, Dr. Tom took one look at him and knew that we had a real sick pup on our hands. Not possessing any history of the dog he had to assume the worst and tested him for all sorts of ailments, Parvo Virus, which is fatal, Distemper, also fatal, Tick Fever, Valley Fever and a host of others (all negative) before finally at a diagnosis of Canine Flu.

He could not hold down any food so his stomach was bypassed with intravenous feeding, antibiotics were pumped into him and we began a 24 hour vigil. Since the shelter’s first act was to neuter him he was already weakened from that surgery and Dr. Tom was amazed that in his condition that he even came out of the anesthesia. It was two days before anyone dared hope that Duke was going to make it. Thanks to the hard work of Dr. Tom and his wife, my understanding wife (also a Janice) and the Duke himself this story has a happy ending. Duke the champion swimmerThis is my buddy today, enjoying his new life as a spoiled Scottsdale dog who thinks he is human. Being a lab he loves the water. For some reason he is a bit shy of other dogs and we are working on socializing him. He rarely leaves my side which is another thing we are working on but overall he is a great dog and worth every penny we spent on saving his life. I would do it again in a heartbeat. Here are a few interesting facts about Duke: He was brought to the shelter on the day my Mother died, I had told my wife when we were considering adopting my friends black lab that if we did adopt him I would rename him Duke.

I had just read an article in Newsweek about a college professor who spent nearly $12,000 to save his cat without any guarantees and I remember thinking to myself, what would I do in a situation like that. Most of Duke’s kennel mates had to be destroyed due to not having the same advantages as Duke, an article appeared in the paper saying that “kennel cough” was the reason when it was really canine flu that did them in. However, just the words alone can cause panic in pet owners and it was decided by the powers that be not to be attribute the deaths to that. Had I not come along when I did, there would be no happy dog in our life and we would never have known such happiness.

Although the title may sound a bit pompous, it refers to a topic that held this week’s first pages of newspapers and was in prime time on TV. It’s the plundering of Transilvania Bank’s agency in Floresti, Cluj-Napoca. I do not want to advertise them, even though I’m a Banca Transilvania fan. I will try to be as objective as possible. I’m sure everyone wonders how it was possible for the bank to be robbed so easily, without starting alarms, without a security guard or security firm getting out, without the wall of the building and especially the vault to withstand. As a client, I would like to know and what measures will be taken in the future so that I can sleep peacefully knowing that my money is safe – the walls of the bank will be strengthened, a non-stop security firm, small bank, other measures.

The incident was unprecedented and I have heard rumors that the outer walls of at least two more banks in Romania are quite sensitive to penetrate. We have an image crisis situation. Laura Petrehus, PR and Marketing Officer BT has approached this crisis in a way that deserves praise and I want to congratulate her for her experience and priofesionalism. In solving a situation like this there are a few steps to follow that we findhere , from my point of view, communication and transparency towards the press and the public at large is essential. Money, according to the article, is the last one. The PR department of the bank has prompted promptly, even in the morning of the robbery being given a press release. A few days after the unfortunate happening, a second press release follows. The communique is a clear example of professional understanding between a journalist and a PR specialist, and that should be the case everywhere if the involved ones respect their responsibilities. 

Of course, not only is the relationship important, but also the quality of the information and how it is distributed. The fact that 2007 was the best year for BT, reporting a record profit is, of course, much more important information for the economic, business, financial than the robbery pages that can be covered after all. This is the Banca Transilvania brand. We know for sure what those pages were, and logically the bank has to cover them. The role of the press release is, on the other hand, to provide bank customers, partners, collaborators and audiences with no financial problems and their trust in BT should not be affected by a relatively minor incident. The only suspect of the robbery surrendered, you can read here to read about the bank’s profit and the fact that this unfortunate incident does not affect the good things.

When it comes to teaching your pets, especially your dogs, you may find the process a little easier said than done. Training your pet dog is never easy, especially if they happen to be a little grown up. The optimal age for training a dog would be when they happen to be a pup. This is primarily because the young pup can understand the rules better, and can grasp what to do and what not to do much more effectively.
Check out the various tips posted below on how to train your dog humanely.

Clicker: The “Clicker” is one of the most effective dogs training tools; most dog owners use the same in conjunction along with treats, and validation to get the message across. And while the myth goes that such form of clickers works only on young pups, in reality, they work on dogs of most ages and breeds. All you need to do is to issue the command, press the clicker so that your pup understands the command and follows through.

Validation: Have you heard other pet owners crooning to their pets about how good they are? Well, they are using positive validation to reaffirm their training. That’s a very useful trick, and in this manner, you can train your dog to behave in a specific manner and reaffirm the training with positive reaffirmation and validations. Of course, it would make sense to cap the training with a treat so that your pet knows that it had behaved appropriately.

Schedule your training time: You need to set yourself some time to train your pet. Whether you are teaching your dog to quit tearing the cushions or getting it to stop doing its business on the carpet, you need to set aside some time aside. Do remember that training does not happen overnight and it takes a while. But it is essential that you stay committed to training your dog, and continue the process uninterrupted.

Communication is the key: To get your dog trained well, it is vital that you can communicate well with your dog. Your dog essentially needs to understand what do to and what not to do, and if it senses your bad mood, it may not be in the right frame of mind to get ‘trained.’ So make sure that you continue to remain patient with your pet all the time – if it helps, imagine your pet is akin to a toddler, learning to walk for the first time. And as long as you are patient with your pet, you should be able to convey all the information and get your dog well-trained, in the process.

Immediate rewards: Dogs do not understand the concept of ‘delayed gratification,’ they need their rewards immediately. And that is why it makes sense to opt for a quick reward method since you can be sure that your pet would be able to pick up on the new trick immediately To train and reward your pet better, choose only authentic pet food and supplies.

Consistency: The one way to ensure that your pet gets trained faster, is to remain consistent as far as his training goes. It is essential that you stay consistent in your approach so that your pet can understand what you want and how you would want it.

These are some of the tips by which you can humanely train your dog. Just remember, that your pet needs love and care. Granted that there are various training organizations, which claim that they can teach your dog in a matter of days. But some of their training methods are less desirable, to say the least, and involves everything from dog collars to electric shocks. This is why you may want to review the tips posted above and get your dog trained humanely, with love and affection.

We cherish our pets. In return they accept and love us for who we are, even if we have had a very bad day at the office, not put on the right makeup, are frequently late to feed them or are distracted with other thoughts when they want a little of our time in return.

People are exceptionally good at taking care of their pets when there’s a problem with them. Or at a minimum we believe we are. The difficulty is that, even with the animals best interests at heart, owners of pets too often rush to the vet for minor illnesses and the ensuing treatment might turn out to be be the proverbial sledgehammer cracking a nut. In most cases a preventative treatment would cut down on a number of pointless health worries every year.

What Should I Feed My Dog

The very first thing you need to do is take a good look the food you are giving your pet, because many pet foods producers use inedible ingredients as filler. Most household cats and dogs are fed on only dried pellets but when did you last see cats or dogs in their natural habitats scavenging for dried biscuits?

Worms in animals

All animals have internal and external parasites. Internal parasites live in the gut, blood, joints, muscle tissue and the brain. External parasites like fleas, ticks, mites and lice live on or merely beneath the skin. Internal parasites include intestinal worms as well as protozoa such as giardia, frequently ingested from contaminated water sources. All parasites can bring about great discomfort, sickness and even death.

The occurrence of parasites in animals is high although this depends on the animal itself. Domestic pets that search for mice, birds and other such wildlife will eat worms that infested their prey. The danger is that these parasites can be passed on to their owners in a great variety of ways. How many kids play in sandpits where dogs or cats have left their calling card? Or how many people are regularly licked on the face by a friendly pet? How many people don’t clean under their fingernails before meals?

How can a parasite possibly live inside your body? The answer is simple. The aim of a parasite is to keep itself hidden from detection. Parasites are good at evading a response from the immune system. They live without detection because once they are exposed, something will be done to get rid of them. Parasites have a built in capacity to survive and reproduce. This is the intention of any organism on this planet. Though this may sound simplistic it can make life for human beings extremely complicated.

If you understand how to recognise and interpret the symptoms, the presence of a worm or worms can be determined easily. In humans this can manifest as low energy levels, medical problems, skin rashes, pains, frequent colds, influenza and loose or blocked bowel conditions. The list goes on and on. The key is to question these symptoms rather than accept that such conditions are standard.

In his book, “Animals Parasitic in Man.” author Geoffrey Lapage, states: “There is no part of the body, nor indeed, any part of the bodies of the hosts of parasitic animals in general, which is not visited by some kind of parasitic animal at one point or another, during their life histories.” In short parasites can migrate to any part of your body. No organ is immune from their infestation.

Parasites that continually affect animals include microscopic protozoans, a large number of migratory worms and arthropod parasites like mites, ticks, lice, fleas and even some spiders.

Hookworm infection happens when larvae in the soil penetrate the pet’s skin, move into the bloodstream, and eventually travel to the abdomen. Adult worms mature in the wall of the bowels and draw nutrients from blood in the gut lining, sometimes causing debilitating anemia.

Roundworm infections of cats and dogs happens when microscopic worm eggs present in the soil are eaten. The eggs develop through larval stages in the stomach; some larvae penetrate the gut wall, migrate to the lungs and are coughed up then re-swallowed, after which they re-enter the small intestines where they mature into adult worms. Roundworms battle with your pet for food, and always win causing malnutrition.

Roundworm enter their host by ingestion; hookworm by active penetration of the skin; the heartworm enters its canine or feline host with the aid of a mosquito carrier. Microscopic larvae enter the blood stream together with mosquito spit when an infected mosquito bites a pet. The larvae use the blood stream to carry it directly into the heart where it matures, infesting the heart’s chambers and lodging in the veins that enter the heart.

From a family of Clydeside Scots, Graeme was born and brought up in Hong Kong. He lived for 35 years there, as well as in Borneo and Indonesia. Intrigued by the way in which the different Asian cultures approach their health and well-being, he studied sides of Traditional Chinese Medicine and became familiar with many other ancient healing methods, from the traditional Jamu herbal medicine healers of Java to the body balancing mechanisms of Jin Shin Jyutsu, from Japan. Along with his wife Phylipa, Graeme runs Resources For Life, a natural health business in Chichester, West Sussex. Much of what is available on their web site has origins steeped in traditional wisdom.


Pet’s are part of the family too. These days that is more true than it ever has been, anything you can get for yourself you can be sure you can get for your pet too. From plush hotel accommodation to the latest pet fashions.

In the world of photography there is now a greater number of studios offering pet photography outright or as part of a family shoot with humans. This is a great thing, because it means there is more choice and you can find the type of photographer to suit your style and taste.

In Melbourne there are plenty of great pet photographers to choose from. Most offer location photography and some offer studio as well, it all comes down to what you like and what will suit your home or office.

Whenever looking for a good pet photographer there are a couple of things to keep in mind:

  • Is this their passion, do they do it full time or most of the time.
  • Are they qualified photographers and/or members of a photographic association.
  • Do they have plenty of images to show of different animals (so not the same dog in every image).
  • What do others say about them, do they seem to have a good reputation. Have a look at their Facebook page to see what people have said or check for testimonials.
  • What are they charging. In this respect I don’t mean overcharging, I mean undercharging which is a common problem in photography – like all things you get what you paid for and when you go for the lowest you are likely to find that they are images your cousin Bob could have taken with his camera.
  • Will the session be fun for you and your pet.

Think about why you want to have your pet professionally photographed, is it to have stunning images adorning your walls or is it to have a CD of images you put on your desk and forget about. For me photography has always been about the beautiful print that you can look at every day.


Pet gates are used to confine our pet to certain areas of the home, or to keep them from restricted areas where they might be in danger or where mommy just doesn’t want them to go, such as bathrooms and the kitchen. Pet gates can be a better alternative to simply closing a door to restrict or confine your Pet.

Pet gates that open are an ideal way to keep your pet out of restricted areas, while still making it easy for you to go from room to room. Many pet gates are also portable, allowing you to easily move the gate to fit your needs, such as gating the dog in a room with you while you watch a movie.

Select a gate, keep in mind your specific needs as well as the size of your dog. The width of the gates are adjustable while the height is usually not. Select a gate tall enough that your dog cannot bunny hop over it. Pet gates are designed especially for wide doorways or hallways, they feature side extensions that you can adjust to fit your needs. The latched door lets you go in or out easily…so you don’t have to take the extended pet gate down or perform acrobatics to get over it!
Most pet gates are extremely easy to install. Some gates feature pressure mounts, which require you only to fit the gate tightly inside a doorframe or room entrance. Some feature wall mounts, which require you to screw hardware to a wall or doorframe.

And finally, when choosing a gate, be sure to select one that withstands your dog’s size and behavior. Make sure that the gate cannot be tipped over/opened when your dog leans on and does not have widely spaced slats in which your dog could get his head stuck.


Any individual that lives with a dog will have experienced his great capability to pre-empt what is coming by the tiniest clue.

From the instant I am getting up in the morning our dogs expect their morning walk. They do not however start to ask to go out before my own morning routine is complete. The dogs after toileting in the garden return to the house and return to sleep. Breakfast is eaten, the table cleared then they start to show interest. Ears prick up only as the door opens into the porch where walking shoes are kept. Coats are put on and the dogs know that it is time for their walk. On a weekend the dogs know that the day does not begin so quickly. Often none dog walking shoes are worn. No excitement is shown. They know the shoes.

As a dog owner you will definitely have experienced similar behaviour from your canine mate. It could be that they lead directly to their bowl at meal times or when you mention the word dinner. The routine of retiring to bed is had a meeting with madness because they are expecting their biscuit. The word right or the closing of a laptop PC may be a preface to their walk. Just as positive dog training relies on reward and reinforcement so is your dog’s everyday learning.

The linking of human behaviours is a skill that most dogs do easily. You pick up a bowl and they know they will be fed. You put on a specific coat and they know its walk time. You pack a bag they know you are leaving for some time. Office attire provoke no excitement because your dog knows you aren’t taking him.

As a dog owner it is entertaining to watch how far back your dog’s chain of recognition goes. Witnessing the interest they show in anything you do will probably surprise you. A dog in the home potentially knows your habits far better than you can imagine. He’s going to show increased interest when he believes that a behaviour you are carrying out could benefit him in some way.


December Featured Pet – Abbey

When I put the word out for our December Featured Pet, I asked people to send a Christmas themed image. I thought there would only be dogs in cute little outfits, but Abbey came along wrapped up in tinsel.

Abbey is a 4-year-old cream and white Birman, who is sweet as pie. Abbey is gentle, calm and very affectionate and loves nothing more than curling up on the end of her Mum’s bed or rolling around in the sun.

Her other favourite past time is to hang out with her sister Roxie and to just be with whichever human is the closest.

As Mum Gerogia puts it “My family couldn’t ask for a better cat. I am so lucky to Abbey as a pet”.

I’m sure Abbey feels the same way about her humans.

November Featured Pet – Ruby

Ruby has many superpowers, like giving the best cuddles in the world, sitting on the back of the couch like a cat and the ability to run up a slide and then sliding back down. Being a superdog means that she is determined too and loves to do as she pleases.

Mum Natalie first met Ruby when she was only two weeks old at the Breeders. Natalie knew that she wanted a female Curly Coat Retriever and Ruby snuggled into her chest and made loads of cute noises. Ruby sealed the deal by peeing on Natalie – a sign is a sign and you can’t ignore that.

Ruby’s favourite thing to do is run, it could be running to explore something, running at the beach or at the off lead park or just running around the house with an empty bottle or her fav toy Duckie. The only one area that superdog Ruby has yet to perfect is getting the cats to love her, no doubt this will come with time.

Her best superpower is the love she gives Mum: “I can get lost for ages just being with her and forget about all the craziness in this world”

September Featured Pet – Maggie & Chloe

Maggie and Chloe have a wonderful life. They have a human Mum and Dad that adore them and a human sister to spoil and care for them.

Maggie chose her family by bounding up to Dad with a huge smile on her face that he could not resist, she has since grown to be a loving member of the family and self-described protector, ensuring everyone is safe, even from the dog groomer. As a Border Collie she loves to play and run with a ball (even though she is 12 and now has a arthritis) and of course herding is a big part of a Border Collie’s life, so there were many days of herding the family cat Snowball around the backyard. At night Maggie settles down beside Angela’s bed, to again play the protector.

Chloe on the other hand was the last puppy left in her litter and so Angela and her dad could not possibly leave without her, even though Mum had said ‘Don’t bring home any more animals’. Luckily when hey walked through the front door Chloe used all her charm and Mum fell in love straight away.  Chloe is a little more timid than her fur-sibling; she’s scared of umbrellas, brushes and anything that makes a noise. She also seems to have an issue with the bees and even though she has been stung a couple of times, she just can’t resist sticking her nose in again and again. While Maggie settles down to protect the family, Chloe, the princess, will go into her Mum and Dad’s room, where she has her own basket of toys to play with and must have the TV tuned to one of her two fav shows – Will & Grace or Escape to the Country.

The one thing Maggie and Chloe both share is a love of family. About Maggie, Angela says “I love the fact of how strong Maggie is, she is a fighter. She will always be my best friend.” And of Chloe “I am so glad to have her in my life, she always cheers my up when I am down and always makes me laugh with her princess ways.”


Ensuring that your dog is properly educated is probably the finest investments you can create. It will pay off in time to come, as is available a dog that knows his or her put in place your family along with adores it. The German Shepherd Training Tips in the following paragraphs delivers comprehension of the significance of developing a well-trained dog.

If you pour too much info along with education into your dog, it’ll be disadvantageous. Young dogs have got brief interest ranges and so they can’t focus too much, and so do shorter periods and attempt to stay positive in the course of them each time. If you press too much, a puppy will keep in mind becoming an adverse expertise, and the next moment you choose to work to practice your ex, it will be a lot more hard.

Education can help ease the particular aches and pains regarding separation anxiety. Signs consist of continuous woofing and even dangerous behavior. Using training, you can promote your dog toward performing much more good, wholesome pursuits when he’s alone. Be sure to put your canine’s anxiety confident by exhibiting great quantities of concern and really like.

Opt for a certain order key phrase to your dog in the course of house training. Whenever you adopt him outside, tell him “go potty,” (use whatever expression you’ve chosen) as well as help him learn to target don’t forget precisely what she has eliminated outdoors to complete.

The dog clicker is a superb approach to bolster behaviours. The goal is to create a positive link between the sound of your dog clicker training as well as a optimistic final result or perhaps reward. Try and click on and also deal with quickly and try this more than once during their visit. Soon, your canine can relate the press noises with a deal with, which can help to bolster appealing behaviours.

Learn about additional types of optimistic strengthening, rather than just providing doggie snacks. Goodies are certainly one the top solutions to educate a puppy and so they are very effective. Nevertheless, it is likely you do not have snacks wherever you go whenever you are certainly not “officially” dog training. To solve this issue, integrate focus as patting or perhaps cuddling to your education routine. This may replace snacks in some instances.

Make use of the puppie’s identify as much as possible to make sure that its smart interest. At the outset of your canine possession, you should utilize your dog’s name more than once a day, consequently they starts to recognize that you desire his / her consideration. The best dog titles are ones that are short and therefore are not the same as various other commands.

As previously mentioned, teaching your dog will probably pay fiscal rewards. A good inexperienced, acting up puppy could gnaw your current furniture, frighten the particular others who live nearby as well as strain your loved ones. Make use of the info below. Choose to teach your puppy and your dog will be a enjoyment for all.


When folks first bring residence their new puppy, they generally do not realize the value of crate training. Should you fully grasp the best way to kennel train your puppy, you will certainly be be capable of avert problem actions in the future. This article consists of numerous useful tips on kennel coaching your puppy that will keep both you and your family pet pleased for many years into the future.

Only focus on a single order at any given time. Focusing on one particular control will allow your puppy to truly hone that skill and have it appropriate. By trying to learn too much at the same time, you threat perplexing your pet dog, plus they could have more problems recalling which habits goes with which control.

If you’re tired with your pet yanking about the leash whilst jogging with you, here’s a simple training strategy. Acquire your leashed puppy to a outdoors location that may be familiarized to the both of you – like the backyard – then start to walk. When your pet continues to be beside you, right on your thigh, reward it using a treat. When the pet rushes ahead, end walking. If it wanders off for reasons unknown, say “let’s go” in a upbeat way and change and stroll one other way.

In the event it grabs-with you, provide a reward, and if it doesn’t catch-up, move delicately in the leash right up until it will get the stage. In this way, you reward very good habits and don’t have to be unduly harsh for bad behavior.

As was stated initially of the write-up, most people do not realize it is essential to kennel teach your puppy. If you know the best way to kennel coach your pup, then it can certainly make it less difficult for your personal new canine to comprehend the guidelines of the house. Apply the recommendation from this write-up and you’ll be on the right path to getting a properly educated dog.


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