We want our pets to be safe and happy at home. Did you know that some household items are dangerous to animals? They should be stored safely away from reach or, in some cases, not brought into the home at all if there are pets present. These common household items can be deadly or dangerous to your pets. This will help protect them from harm. This list is not exhaustive, so we encourage you to consult reputable sources such as our Knowledgebase and your veterinarian.


Unexpectedly, many common house plants are toxic for pets. If your cat is ill after consuming a lily, you should take it to the vet as soon as possible. The US animal welfare organization ASPCA provides a list of common plant species that can be toxic to cats, dogs, and horses.


Some foods can be toxic for your pets. They should not be given to them. It would be best if you also were cautious when cooking these foods so that animals do not get access to them. (Be careful around our more adventurous pets on the kitchen counters!). Some of these include chocolate, members of the Allium Family like onions, garlic, and chives, tomatoes (for cats), macadamias, raisins, sultanas, grapes, avocados, and products that contain caffeine.

Excessive feeding of fat trimmings can cause pancreatitis and gastrointestinal upsets in your pet. Raw fish, liver, and sugary food are also dangerous. It would be best if you did not feed cooked bones to your pet as they may splinter, causing gastrointestinal obstructions.


Some prescription and over-the-counter medicines are toxic to pets. For example, paracetamol, also known as Panadol, is harmful even in small amounts to cats and ibuprofen to dogs. Do not medicate your dog or cat without consulting your veterinarian. Also, keep all medicines – whether for humans or pets – in sealed containers and out of reach of your pet. If used incorrectly, some pet medications can be harmful. Some flea treatment products for dogs, for example, contain highly toxic compounds for cats. Use medicines only according to the instructions on the packaging and those provided by your veterinarian.


Fertilizers are dangerous. However, the effects can vary depending on the type of product. Pet owners should take proactive steps to prevent dogs or other pets from ingesting any fertilizer materials. If you suspect that your pet may have ingested fertilizer, please consult your veterinarian. Dogs can suffer gastrointestinal problems if they consume large amounts of certain types of fertilizer, such as bone meal or blood meal.

Insecticides and rodenticides

Insecticides and rodent poisons are the two most common poisons that pets get. These poisons are made to be attractive to animals and are difficult to hide. You should be aware that your dog or cat can also become poisoned by eating a poisoned rodent. If you have to use pesticides or rodenticides, we recommend using more non-toxic methods.

Considerations for

Other household dangers include antifreeze, which can be deadly in even small quantities; fruit stones dropped from trees, which can cause intestinal obstructions or blockages; and xylitol, a sugar substitute that is extremely dangerous for dogs. This includes chewing gums as well as drinks, lollies, and toothpaste.


Our love for Animals should be selfless as our dog has towards us and this can be accomplished with better pet care, healthy animal food and hygiene. At Birdcagesgalore, we provide pet care tips so that they can live to their fullest.

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